No Clarity on whether Huawei would go back to using Google Services.

Different answers are coming from Huawei on the question whether they will go back to google's services or not.

Photo by Kamil Kot on Unsplash
Huawei is developing Huawei mobile services with three billion US dollars

Last year US put sanctions on Huawei and warned US companies to cut ties with the Chinese company because it posses a security threat to US which lead to Google backing off from licensing Huawei to use Google Apps like G-Mail, Google Drive, Calender etc. As a result Huawei build there own Apps and Services and also an own App Store called App Gallery.

The Huawei's smartphone market share in US has also decreased, but due to the increase in sales in home country Huawei surpassed Apple to become Second best smartphone selling company. At any time in future US government may lift the ban on Huawei, and there lies the question on whether Huawei will return to using Google's services or keep using the Apps developed by the company. reports that Huawei will stick to it's own services and not use Google's services even if US lifts the Bans, winfuture says the Huawei wants to create an ecosystem based on the open source version of Android, Huawei will develop Huawei Mobile Services with an investment of three billion US dollars, the investment will be spent on marketing too alongside technology and development.

On the other hand Standard reports That Huawei replied to their question in a press conference in Vienna saying that Huawei will not return to Google services even after the ban was lifted, and after that Huawei Germany said that they will continue to cooperate with Google.

Standard also notes that Huawei clears to a journalist from that it would go back to using Google services if the ban was lifted, There's also an International statement from Huawei "An open Android ecosystem is still our first choice, but if the US doesn't let us use it, we have the opportunity to develop one ourselves."

Verge says that a spokesperson of Huawei told them through E-mail that,
                                          "Our first choice is the open Android ecosystem, including GMS (Google Mobile Services) — that was what helped us become number two in the world for smartphone shipments, I believe both Google and Huawei hope a license will be granted, but you would need to confirm that with Google," the spokesperson said "As a result of the entity listing we are now developing HMS (Huawei Mobile Services) — inviting app developers to come on board. etc. This offer has received a lot of positive interest in Europe. It’s worth reiterating that we were one of the lead contributors to the Android open source operating system over the last five years."

Huawei may want to Stick to it's own services since a situation like this may arise again in  future and Huawei doesn't want depend on US political decisions.
At the same time Huawei can easily sell phones with their own services in china but western customers who use Android are used to G-mail and other Google services and it will be hard to convince them to switch to new services.


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