Israeli's researchers found a vulnerability in Microsoft Teams

A person using Microsoft Teams app
(Edited)/Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Cloud collaborating apps like Microsoft Teams and Slack have gained almost double the users in recent times as people are working from home and collaborating on the project that they are completing from their own places, as there is a sudden rise in usage there are attackers that try to take advantage of the situation and find vulnerabilities that will benefit them with the information of the several large companies.

Some of the Israeli researchers have found some flaws that will take hold of the accounts of the individuals of the companies and that can help them to overtake other accounts of the employees' in that company thus getting useful information of the company, this flaw was fixed before the announcement of the vulnerability was made on Monday, The Jerusalem Post reported.

The Israeli researchers have worked with and helped Microsoft Teams to fix the flaw through the Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure process, the flaw was fixed on April 2oth, this critical vulnerability can cause widespread data-theft campaigns, compromised credentials, ransomware attacks, and even corporate espionage.

The attackers will send a gif image to the target which can delete user data and can lead to taking over all the other accounts in that company or organization, the target only needs to see the gif sent by the attacker to be attacked.

The researchers Asaf Hecht and Omer Tsarfati said that, 
"One of the biggest and the scariest things about this vulnerability is that it can be spread automatically, just like a worm virus, the fact that the victim needs only to see the crafted message to be impacted is a nightmare from a security perspective. Every account that could have been impacted by this vulnerability could also have been a spreading point to all other company accounts."


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