Apple has to pay $85 million to WiLan for patent infringement.

This was a re-trail after previous case was ruled out by District Judge Dana Sabraw.

Photo by Medhat Dawoud on Unsplash
The royalties for patent infringement were calculated based on iPhone Sales.

After the Successful win against the Apple in a case related to Patent Infringement, WiLan, a Quarterhill company, was due to receive $85 million from Apple. The patent in the case was related to wireless communication.

The two patents from WiLan were about making phone calls and also downloading data side by side,  this is not the first time WiLan filed a case against Apple over patent infringements, this continued to happen from 2010 where it first filed a case against Apple, Dell and Motorola over Bluetooth technologies and in 2014 WiLan claimed that iPhone 6 and i{hone 7 infringed it's patents and filed a case against Apple for it.

This case was a re-trail of last years case which was judged by another jury where WiLan successfully awarded $145 million but District Judge Dana Sabraw refused the ruling saying that the amount of $145 million which Apple has to pay for WiLan was heavy and asked WiLan to agree for $10 million or have a new trail to reconsider the amount, WiLan choose new trail over $10 million.

Apple argued in the court that WiLan hadn't showed enough evidence to support the patent infringement and said that WiLan has miscalculated the damages that has to be paid.

The main purpose of the new re-trail was to re-consider the value of royalties which was previously valued at $145 million and the new jury reconsidered and ruled Apple to pay $85 million to WiLan. WiLan calculated the amount based on iPhone sales which WiLan argues the patented technology was used in.

WiLan, which is a  Quarterhill company describes itself as "one of the world's top patent licensing companies." The company focuses on "protecting and monetizing patented inventions." The company was founded in 1992.


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